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Mosquito Control

Herald Harbor participates in the Maryland Department of Agriculture's Mosquito Control Program. The goal of this program is to prevent mosquito-borne diseases in humans, pets and domestic livestock.

For more information about this program, click here.


Between May 29 and October 1, the Maryland Department of Agriculture will monitor the mosquito population in the area. If needed, they will fog the area in order to lower the mosquito population.

What days?

Wednesday. Herald Harbor will only be fogged on Wednesday nights during the 2024 season. If they need to fog on a different night due to mosquito borne illness, a press release will be issued and residents with exemptions will be notified.

What Time?

Fogging can occur anytime between 7:00 PM and 2:30 AM.

Please stay indoors while fogging operations are being conducted.

For how long?

Fogging in Anne Arundel County will begin May 29.

October 1 is the estimated last day of fogging for 2024.

What's the Criteria for Fogging?

Treatment will only be carried out if an MDA employee has determined the need for it. 

Minimum thresholds which must be met for treatment to occur are as follows (any one of these is sufficient):

  • Landing rate count of 3 mosquitoes attempting to bite in 2 minutes, OR

  • 12 female mosquitoes collected overnight in an un-baited light trap, OR

  • 24 female mosquitoes collected overnight in a baited light trap

Can I Opt Out?

Residents who do not wish their property to be fogged may file an exemption. The exemption policy and form can be found here.

More Information

For Further information:

For information on the products used, click here

Surce: Maryland Department of Agriculture, Information Sheet 

Note: The phone number in the PDF's letterhead is incorrect, use the phone numbers from the "Further Information" section.

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